英语保护水的句子 保护水资源的建议 英文小短句


关于如何保护水的措施的英语句子(最好有中文) you can saw huanghe from the sky

英语:保护水资源 要求10个句子 Earth is an ocean planet.About three bilion years ago,life on our planet began in the deep blue seas.Ninety-nine percent of the livingspace on earth is in the oceans.So water is very important for us.The water is being widely used for electricityagriculture,home use,industry,transport,entertain-ment,and so on.But the majority of people have not realized this problem.Since changes in salinity and temperature affect Water's density,the water in the ocean is always moving.Dense water sinks and less dense water is pushed to the surface,This circulation adds energy to the marine ecosystems and moves nutrients around.Isn't it amazing that a single substance can be so important to out planet and even the whole universe?Water,which seems so simple and common,is what makes life possible.Of all the resources on earth-oils,gas,gold and so on-nothing is as precious as a drop of rain.Learning about the properties of water helps us understand life on our planet.The most important thing we can learn。

用英语说出8条保护水资源的方法 1.we must protect the factory form pouring waste water into the river 2.we should stop people from throwing litter into the river.many kinds of litter may pollute the envirenment.3.we can tell t.


