英语作文:假定你是李华,作为交换生刚结束在英国为期一个月的学习 外国交换生欢送词范文


请你写一篇英文欢送词 Good evening,everyone。I’m very glad to show our thanks to Ms James.Ms James has been teaching in our school for five year,and she is so friendly although she sometimes is a little strict with her students while helping them with their English.We all have built deep relationships with Ms James during these five years.Tomorrow,Ms James is going back to America.Here,let me represent our thankful students to wish Ms James a good journey.We all will miss you a lot Ms James.Thank you。Thanks everyone.共94字 除去前两句题目中已经有的 共81字.第二篇有多处语法用词等错误 并且,欢送词适用于回国前夕,他文中说next week不妥.慎用第二篇.望采纳

作为交换生感谢照顾的英语作文 I have been three for a year,as you knowthat I am a exchangestudent.Everytihing is strangethanks to my teachers and friends' help,i have leant much.In the past few years I have been in the sch.

英语作文 假如你是李华 你班有一位交换生 在中国学习一年 即将回国 根据以下材料写一120字英语作文 Dear XXX:We are planing to throw a see-off party for you.We can't believe you are leaving.We love you not only because you are one of the best mates in our class,but also because of your unique personality and talent in study and sports.You are always passionate about your study and,importantly,this enthusiam has been improving time by time over the last year.You love sports and you were stunning in the school sports meeting because of what you accomplished.


