英语翻译 The Tianning scenic spot is located the person outstanding earthdeities the Changzhou town center,its core will construct for thebeginning at the Tang Zhenguan,forever the emblem year,enjoys morethan.
英语翻译 小鸟天堂是广东新会闻名中外的生态旅游景点,天然赏鸟胜地,它位于新会城区以南10公里的天马村.Bird paradise is guangdong new will the world-famous ecological tourist attractions,natural bird appreciation.it is new,it is located south of the city will be 10 kilometers days xinhui city.380多年前,河中一个泥墩、一棵榕树长期繁衍,形成枝叶覆盖1万多平方米,树上栖鸟千万只,鸟类树相依,人鸟相处,和谐奇特,世间罕有的一道天然美丽风景线.1933年,文学大师巴金先生乘船游览后叹为观止,写下优美散文《鸟的天堂》,“小鸟天堂”从此得名.38 years ago,river a mud mound,a banyan long-term breeding,forming branches covers than 10,000 square meters,trees,birds tree benthic bird ten million people cherish,harmonious get along,peculiar bird,worldly rare a natural beautiful scenery line.In 1933,literary master Mr.Ba jin boat tour acclaim,write down beautiful prose\"bird of paradise\",\"bird paradise\"and from its name.历来深受游客赞誉的小鸟天堂,2002年重新规划扩建,并对动、植物自然生态群落加以悉心保护和优化,形成占地面积40万平方。