永不退缩视频 永不退缩高清完整版电影


请问谁有《永不退缩》Never back down的高清电影。最好是中英双字幕的!你好,本人很喜欢这部电影。我下载很多回都没下载到。请问谁有高清版的。我本想悬赏来着,可惜我。

求:电影永不退缩(Never Back Down) 第90分钟零7秒的时候,放的那首歌 Tobymac-The SlamGod's in the Spot,you can like it or notSo rip the knob off the volume when you give this a shotAnd raise your hands as the slam starts to thicken the plotOpenin' eyes to the lies of the enemies' lotSo run like the wind from the sin of your pastKeep your eyes on the prize when they put you on blastIt's the Christ on the cross,it's humanity's shotIt's a worldwide call to everthing that we're notThis is the slam,this is the oneThis is the slam,this is the oneThis is the slam,this is the oneWe gonna do it like it ain't been done beforeThis is the slam,this is the oneWe gonna bring it like it ain't been brungThis is the slam,this is the oneWe gonna spring you like you ain't been sprungThey came from the cities and towns all aroundTo see the longhaired preacher from the desert get downWaist high in the water,never short on words,he saidRepent,the kingdom of heaven can be yoursBut he stopped in the middle of his words and droppedDown to his 。

永不退缩的影片评价 美国媒体2113一部过于公式化的影片,早在5261剧本阶段就已经陷入了一种停顿的不4102良状态中。(《纽约邮报》评)如果非1653要给这部影片下个定义的话,你可以称它为初级版的《搏击俱乐部》,只是不幸走进了《速度与激情》的套路之中。(《西雅图时报》评)影片再一次给了所有人一个警醒:不要把男生之间的友情,都弄得像同性恋那般暧昧。(《芝加哥读者》评)导演杰夫·瓦德洛寻找到了一种非常高贵的方式,使得这类主题的电影终于超越了仅仅是对暴力无尽地诉求的嗜血阶段。(《迈阿密新闻》评)虽然影片陷在了约定俗成的套路中,却有效地反馈了当今青少年所面对的焦虑和无奈。(《电影导读》评)中国媒体作为一部小成本的商业电影,影片的亮点是在于对MMA的噱头,虽然剧情简单到不能再简单、励志也俗套到不能再俗套,但较之港产MMA电影《导火线》来得更专业、更技术的动作场面,足以吸引对综合格斗技感兴趣的观众。(腾讯娱乐评)影片结合了《旧梦重拾》的剧情和《搏击俱乐部》的拳头,而比武输阵之后拜师学艺,几年寒窗之后卷土重来一雪前辱的情节路线又与中国武侠的经典起承转合有不谋而合之处。其中暴力与地下的感觉在许多影片中也似曾相识,比如《速度。


