埃兰之影台词英文版 魔兽世界中玩家们长说的英文缩写是什么意思啊?


求一些魔兽世界的BOSS对白 So difficult to choose.they all smellso delicious. 我该先吃谁呢?真是难以选择—每一个闻起来都这么鲜美。Closer now.tasty morsels.I've been too long without food。

埃兰之影的台词,英文版的? Ragnaros:Too soon,you have awakened me to soon Executus。What is the meaning of this intrusion?Vaelastraz:Too late.friends.Nefarius' corruption has taken hold.I cannot.control myself.I beg you Mortals,flee。Flee before I lose all sense of control.The Black Fire rages within my heart.I must release it。FLAME。DEATH。DESTRUCTION。COWER MORTALS BEFORE THE WRATH OF LORD.NO。I MUST FIGHT THIS。Did you call on me?Why would I call on YOU lolcats?To do your heavy lifting roflmao。Most likely.lawl.lolcats.When I need someone to prance around like an over-stuffed PEACOCK I'll call on you roflmao.Then I'll commit myself to ignoring you lulz.What would you know about commitment?lol。Shet-za lol。You're the one who should be.lawl.Wait.we have company.In ZG:Bloodlord:\"Ding。Jin'do:\"Grats。The SM torturer:\"Naughty secrets。Of course,Live strat:\"TIMMY。Moroes:'Oh dear,i've gone and made a mess'Lady BlaumeuxBiggest hint on how to kill the boss.lol.lawl.ever.Yes lolwut。Run rofl。It makes the blood。

魔兽世界中玩家们长说的英文缩写是什么意思啊?Add-(英)一只额外的怪物加入到现有的战斗中。AC-护甲值 ADM-(拼)奥达曼(副本)。AFK-(英)Aw:-魔兽世界,缩写,英文。


