人鱼小姐的经典旋律 谁帮我推荐《人鱼小姐》中你认为好听的歌啊?


求人鱼的旋律31集蝙蝠小姐唱的歌歌名 暗黒の翼

有谁知道《人鱼小姐》中用的那首英文歌是什么名字? 5261是不是这首啊:《It never rains in southern california》4102南加州从1653不下雨歌手:albert hamondGot on board a westbound sevenForty sevenDidn't think before decidingWhat to doOoh,that talk of opportunitiesTv breaks and moviesRang trueSure rang trueSeems it never rains in southern californiaSeems I've often heard that kind of talk beforeIt never rains in californiaBut girl don't they warn yaIt poursMan it poursOut of workI'm out of my headOut of self respectI'm out of breadI'm underlovedI'm underfedI wanna go homeIt never rains in californiaBut girl don't they warn yaIt poursMan it poursWill you tell the folks back homeI nearly made itHad offers but didn't knowWhich one to takePlease don't tell them how you found meDon't tell them how you found meGive me a breakGive me a break不是的话,你再形容详细点,我再帮你找。也可以自己找,推荐一些插曲比较全的网站:推荐baidu一下:。

谁知道人鱼小姐里的插曲是什么啊? ? ?? ??(03:19)-True Bird(我痛苦的爱-True Bird)?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??现在太累了,心中满是泪水???? ??? ? ???? ?? ?? ?镜中我的倒影中,正在笑的你??? ? ???? ? ??? ??? ?? ???你走进我紧闭的心中悄悄地抱著我(*)???? ??? ??? ??痛苦的记忆只有你能抹去???? ??? ??? ??空空的心只有你能填满?? ??? ???? ??? ??己经开始的我们的爱该如何??? ????? ? ???你明白越接近离别? ????? ? ????我痛苦的爱越深??? ? ?? ???我只有你一个?? ????? ?????? ?? ? ??虽然明白你将离去,但无法忘怀???? ????? ??? ???? ?????对等待很久的你,连一句爱你的话都无法说(*??)(*反覆)央视版的翻译为:盈满心中的泪水,已经让我身心疲惫。我那镜中的身影,露出你微笑的面容。你静静地走进我紧闭的心扉温柔地拥抱着我伤痛的记忆只有你能抹去空虚的心灵只有你能填平已经绽开的爱情花朵呦该怎样去面对离别渐渐心痛也愈烈你是否了解我酸楚的爱情在我心中只有你一个以上是。


