早睡早起按时吃饭英文 英语翻译


规律作息,早睡早起。用英语怎么说?谢谢 规律2113作息,早睡早起的英语说法是regular schedule,go to bed early and get up early。一、读音英[?reɡ5261j?l?(r)??edju?l ɡ?? tu bed ???li ?nd ɡet ?p ???li],美[?reɡj?l?r ?sked?u?l ɡo? tu bed ???rli ?nd ɡet ?p ???rli]。二、4102单词释义regular:规则1653的,有规律的。schedule:安排,为…安排时间。go to bed:就寝。early:提前的,提早的。get up:起床,起身。三、示例regular schedule,go to bed early and get up early is a very necessary thing。规律作息,早睡早起是很有必要的一件事!扩展资料早睡早起的相关词语—The early bird catches the worm:一、释义早起的鸟儿有虫吃。二、读音英[e? ???li b??d ?k?t??z e? w??m],美[e? ???rli b??rd ?k?t??z e? w??rm]。三、catches释义抓住,握住。四、worm释义蠕虫,昆虫的幼虫。五、示例As you know,the early bird catches the worm.你也知道,早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

英语翻译 It's harmful to stay up late.We should get used to keeping early hours.To have a healthy life,we should have a balanced dietary habbits and we should do exercises.To keep healthy,we should e.

请把“想要珍惜生命珍惜生活,我们应该保持良好的习惯,如早睡早起,多运动,按时吃饭和喝水。。”翻译成英文 If If we want to treasure lives and life,we should keep good habits,such as going to bed early and getting up early,doing sports,have meals on time and 。


