需要一个关于购物的英文对话,两人交流,两到三分钟, 关于购物的英语对话 要短一点


求一个英语对话。关于商场购物对话的。 Mary:What is the shutter speed on this camera?这款相机的快门速度怎么样?John:It's very fast.You can give it a try.And it is easy to operate.挺快的,您可以试一下。而且这个机子操作起来也比较简单。Mary:Hmm,then what's the lowest price on this camera?嗯,那它最低多少钱?John:2,200 is the lowest price.If you buy a 256M storage card,just add 350.Then it would be 2,550 altogether.最低两千二。如果您再买个二五六M的存储卡的话,再加三百五。一共二千五百五。Mary:Let's make it 2500.Could you include a tripod for me?就两千五好了。你再送我一个三脚架吧。John:Well.OK.这个…好吧。

想找一篇关于购物的英语短文或对话 比较简单的,自己编的A:Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want a hat.A:What color do you like?B:Blue.A:Here you are.B:Hmmm…How much is it?A:It's fifteen dollars.B:I'll take it.Thank you.A:You're welcome.

简单的英语对话 一:购物A:What can I do for you?B:I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.A:How old is your daughter?B:She is twelve years old.A:This way,please.What kind of skirt do you want?B:I’d like this one.A:What colour do you like?B:Green.A:What about this one?B:This green is too dark.Have you got any other colours?A:Sorry,we haven’t.We have just sold them out.B:Well,let me look at the dress.A:Who is it for?B:It’s for myself.A:This kind of dress is very nice and cheap.What size do you want?B:Size M.Can I try it on,please?A:Certainly.Here you are.B:What’s it made of?A:It’s made of silk.B:How much does it cost?A:One hundred and ninety-eight.B:That’s too expensive.Can it be cheaper?A:Well,how about one hundred and ninety yuan.B:No,it’s still expensive.What about one hundred and fifty?A:Er…all right.Please take it.二 看病纯信消A:Hello,what’s wrong with you?B:I’ve got a headache and a bad cough.A:Have you taken your temperature?B:Yes.I have a fever.A:Have you had 。


