帮忙写出西游记里关于沙僧的5个故事情节 1、误打破琉璃盏。王母降蟠桃,设宴瑶池邀众将。失手打破玉玻璃,天神个个魂飞丧。玉皇即便怒生嗔,却令掌朝左辅相。卸冠脱甲摘官衔,将身推在杀场上。多亏赤脚大天仙,越。
美若天仙,猜生肖 不像沉鱼指代西施,落雁指代昭君,闭月指代貂蝉,羞花指代杨贵妃。美若天仙并没有指代。出处为:“天仙”:①传说中的天上的仙人。语出李观《钧天乐赋》。
英语翻译 This is a very cold night,I read in bed.The wind suddenly opened the window,then,has a Maoruotianxian the woman,so I got up,going in her direction,when the floating body,Piaoxiang window,I am excited about the proper time,I Crashed down from a height,I am horrified in a sober,originally just a dream