汽车火车机动车之类的起动英文怎么说 j turn超机动


turn 的 各种用法// turnturnAHD:[t?rn]D.J.[t*8n]K.K.[t)n]【基本词意】v.(动词)turned,turn.ing,turnsv.tr.(及物动词)To cause to move around an axis or a center;cause to rotate or revolve.使旋转,转动:使绕着一个轴或中心移动;使转动或旋转To cause to move around in order to achieve a result,such as opening,closing,tightening,or loosening:转动:使转动以达到某种结果,如打开、关闭、拧紧或拧松:turn the key;turn a screw.转动钥匙;拧动螺丝钉To alter or control the functioning of(a mechanical device,for example)by the use of a rotating or similar movement:扭动,旋动:通过旋转或类似动作改变或控制(如机械装置)的功能:Please turn the iron to a hotter setting.请把熨斗旋动到更热To perform or accomplish by rotating or revolving:翻,翻转:通过转动或旋转来执行或完成:turn a somersault.翻筋斗To change the position of so that the underside becomes the upper side:翻转:改变…的位置而使下面的成为上面的:turn the steak;turn a page.翻转牛排;翻一页书To spade or plow(soil)to bring the undersoil to the 。

翻译内容:首先一直往前走,然后向右转,一直走,再向左转就到电影院了 First,go along this street,then turn right,just walk staight,you will find the cinema,when you are turning left

汽车火车机动车之类的起动英文怎么说 起动 start up,ignite出发:set off,start out,get moving冲刺:sprint,dash,spurt turn on the car/turn on the engine 启动move the car/go/get moving 走,开speed up 冲刺 回

#turn into造句#j turn超机动#turn down#turn down舞蹈#turn off的用法

