介绍贵州特产的英语作文 都匀毛尖山水颂


中国最出名的茶叶叫什么,各出自哪里? 十大名茶:1、西湖龙井 龙井,本是一个地名,也是一个泉名,而现在主要是茶名。龙井茶产于浙江杭州的龙井村,历史上曾分为\"狮、龙、云、虎”四个品类,其中多认为以产于。


介绍贵州特产的英语作文 Guizhou batik,is a long history of national traditional arts and crafts.The so-called batik is the wax painting and dyeing two processes referred to.Guizhou Anshun batik production of the most famous,Anshun batik pattern detail,rich color.Maotai,this needless to say that estimates are known.Duyun Maojian,also known as\"hook tea\",\"Buxus tea.\"Produced in Guizhou Duyun.Duyun is located in the southern part of Guizhou Province,east of the city Dongshan stand,west of Longshan confrontation.Duyun Tippy main origin in Mission Hill,Huangshan,post foot,big slot area,where no cold winter,summer heat,The annual average temperature of 16 degrees,the average annual rainfall of than 1,400 mm.In addition to deep soil,loose soil and moist soil is acidic or slightly acidic,containing large amounts of iron and phosphate.These special natural conditions not only Suitable for the growth of tea,but also formed a unique style of Duyun Tippy.According to historical records,as early as in the。


