少出门少聚餐的后几句是什么? 少出门少聚会的英语翻译


英语翻译 1.He had been discharged from the army for years.或 He has been mustered out of service for years.2.Let us go to her party.或 What about go to her party 或 Will you like yo go to her party?3.Mrs.Li/Le.

尽量少出门英文怎么说? 尽量少出门英文可以表达为Try to go out as little as possibleyou should avoid going out too much

英语翻译 1.This girl particular like to make up,she spend 1 hour to make up every day2.You are still beautiful when you don't make up.If you gonna make up,it make you beautiful.3.I hope you can dress up a little bit,this is a important evening party4.She is very good at make up5.She is not doing so well at make up6.How much time are you spend at make up everyday?【自己翻译的.英文不太好.别怪窝.


