他们高兴的太早了英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 1.What makes us happy is that he has been adapted to the new foreign life shortly.2.The teacher's appearence gave me the motivation to carry on with the experiment when I was about to gave up.3.If you.

高兴的英文怎么说? 高兴 1.(愉快而兴奋)glad;happy;pleased;elated;joyful;cheerful:我见到2113你很高兴。I'm very glad to see you.他听到这5261个消息一定很高兴。He is sure to be pleased[happy]at the news.他高高4102兴兴地上学去了。He cheerfully went off to school.快把这消息告诉你爷爷1653,叫他老人家也高兴高兴。Tell Grandpa the good news so that he can share our joy.他高兴地接受了邀请。He accepted the invitation with pleasure.他们高兴得太早了。They rejoiced too soon.2.(喜欢做某件事)be willing to;be happy to;be in high[fine;full;good]feather;be in high spirits;tread[walk]on air;be transported with joy;be in great form;rejoice at[over]sth.;be of good cheer;be pleased;be glad;jolly along;be happy;enjoy the happiness of sth.;fill with delight;with all the pleasure in life;have the time of one's life;brim over with high spirits;be mad with joy:你高兴去哪儿就去哪儿。You may go where you are willing to.你不高兴去就甭去了。You needn't go if you don't feel like it.满意请采纳

英语翻译 1.He set off for Beijing early this morning.2.She arrived at the airport by taxi,only to find that her flight had already taken off.3.She jumped with joy when she heard this exciting news.4.It looks as if it's going to rain.5.He asked us whether we would go tomorrow.


