浅析微电影《调音师》 微电影调音师


浅析微电影《调音师》 最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容>;原发布者:龙源期刊网奥利维耶·特雷内导演的《调音师》曾荣获2011年卢纹国际电影节最佳短片奖、2012年法国恺撒奖最佳短片奖。同时也被观众称为“史上最精彩的微电影”,绝不可谓空穴来风,短片通过讲述男主角作为一个在钢琴演奏道路上失意的天才,后成为调音师,发现以盲人的身份更能亲近顾客,获得更多,却意外卷入一桩谋杀案的故事。一、细致入微的人物刻画《调音师》的主要人物毫无疑问是男主角—一个天才却看似不够天才的钢琴师。在故事的开头,便讲述了他参加钢琴比赛,可他会成功吗?短片通过种种细节刻画预示了答案的否定。“去年,我被看作是天才。我自己也认为我前途无量”“15年来636f7079e799bee5baa6e79fa5e9819331333433626539的努力,只为了一个目标”简短的话语,配合他始终颤抖的手擦拭着琴键,以及之后特写镜头的满头大汗,不难看出他的心态不够好,他把这一切都看得太重。在生活中,的确会遇到许多大事,也许大到能左右人生的走向,可是更多时候,决定人生走向的不一定是外在表现,而是自己的心态,如果不摆正心态,有可能会毁了一生。在餐厅里戴着一副墨镜,从容地与上司在对话,对于上司给自己看的照片仿佛。

求微电影《调音师》的英文版介绍、影评 又叫 piano turner 是法国32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333330336336的微电影。Adrien is a blind piano tuner that is hired by Simon and who enters lots of houses in the easiest way.He was originally a relatively good piano player one year ago who had in mind to win the Bernstein award,but he failed and he felt sorry for himself and made the decision to tune pianos going to his clients’places…with an extra advantage:being a silent witness of what people do around him,and sometimes he perceives fantastic things that could be unimaginable in other circumstances.But everything has its price.The first scene shows Adrien playing the piano in underwear and someone behind him.But there is a secret in him that is revealed when he is with Simon in a café…and it is a lie that can be a huge risk for the one telling it and one never thinks of the consequences that it can bring.The story of the way the Taj Mahal was built is a verbal introduction to the story that we will 。

如何评价法国的微电影《盲人调音师》? 最近看了这部13分钟的微电影,感觉很精妙,其中蕴含了不少寓意,最后的结尾发人深思!大家怎么看?


