我们打算今天下午去动物园 我们去动物园用英语怎么写?


你的朋友打算这个星期天下午去阳光动物园.你想让你的朋友Bob也参加,你个他写了一封邀请信, deae bobmy friend invite me to go to sun-zoom,well,I also want to invite you together.the zoom isnot far from my home.go along the xingfu road,wen you see the suguo supermarket,if you see the traf.以go to the zoo为题的英语作文 正在进行时的 Today was Sunday.My parents were free,too.I got up at 7'oclock,because my families planed to go to the zoo.After the breakfast,I took the camera and went to the。\ We are going to go to the zoo.请翻译:今天是星期日.上午,我打算乘公共汽车去动物园。首先,我步行去汽车站;然后,我乘15路公共汽 向左转|向右转我们去动物园用英语怎么写? We'll go to the zoo.请及时采纳,不懂继续问(天天在线)(*_^)祝学习进步。谢谢!英语写作,假如你们班在周五下午去动物园游玩,在动物园里,你们见到了许多动物,请你根据提示写一篇短文 Presumably our class went on a trip to the zoo on Friday afternoon(which was highly unlikely to happen).We saw many animals.The monkeys were asleep,the pandas were asleep,the tigers were asleep and the elephants were asleep.So boring。So I decided to leave my class and go back home to play with my lovely little puppy。What a pleasant trip。假如我们班在周五下午去动物园游玩。在动物园里,我们见到了许多动物。猴子睡觉了,熊猫睡觉了,老虎睡觉了,大象也睡觉了。真是太无聊了!我还是回家和我的小狗狗玩儿吧。多么愉快的旅途!英语翻译 1.I ate two apples yesterday.2.We are going to go to travel next week.3.Where did you go on your holiday?I went to guangzhou.4.He plans to go to the zoo tomorrow.5.They are playing football.帮Jenny写一写她的国庆计划.不少于5句. On October 1st,I will go to the zoo in the morning.In the afternoon,I'll go to the movies.On October2nd,I want to go to the book store in the morning.And I will read comic books in the afternoon.I think my National Day is great.今天下午我打算去动物园英汉互译 I am going to the zoom this afternoon i plan to go to the zoo this afternoon.今天下午我打算去动物园 全部释义和例句>;>;I'm going to the zoo this afternoon.

