西点军校必读书籍有哪些 励志类:《致信加西亚》和《没有任何借口》军事类:克劳塞维百茨《战争论》约米尼《战争艺术论》度中国《孙子兵法》富勒《西洋军事史》富勒《战争指导》李德哈特《间接战略》和《为什么我们不向历史学习》布热津斯基《大棋局》内和《运筹帷幄:指导美苏争夺的地缘战略构想》马汉《海权对历史的影响》荷马李所著的的《有勇无谋》和《撒逊的日子(容The Day of the Saxon)》。
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西点军校 《No Excuse。》 英文原版 请不要推荐那些国内的伪书 谢谢 “NO EXCUSE,SIR。5261 WEST POINT LIFE LESSON#2Reception day or“R-day”is the first day of orientation for a New Cadet entering West Point.This is the first day of a New Cadet’4102s summer training known as,“Beast Barracks”.R-day is a day that every West Point graduate remembers in vivid detail.I can remember the butterflies in my stomach and the terrible feeling of despair at the realization that maybe I made a mistake by deciding to attend West Point.I remember the feeling of my hair falling off my head as an old Italian barber,with a heavy Broklyn accent,shaved my head nearly bald.R-day is a long,hard day filled with confusion,regret,and self discovery.A New Cadet never wanted to hear the statement“Report to the Cadet in the Red Sash”.The Cadet in the Red Sash was a“Firstie”or a senior that was neatly dressed in his“white over gray”class uniform with a crimson sash wrapped neatly around his waist.The Cadet in the Red Sash was a mythical and daunting figure of 。