英语作文,假如你是李华,你们班同学打算去西山公园爬山,请写一封信邀请外教Mr Smith参加,爬山中有:赏花照相野餐, 我打算去森林里爬山的英语


关于爬山是项好运动的英语作文爬山是个很好的运动,但涉及环保和森林防火隐患.谈谈这件事的看法.请用英语写,再适当扩充…急用 英语翻译 Last Saturday,my friends and I go hiking.We are very excited and we take a bus to the foot of the hill.Jane and Lily went into a cave,they are very afraid when they saw a snake;Bob sightseeing trip,h.英语翻译 1.I am going to go climbing with my friends at the weekend.2.when we arrived at our destination,we began to climb the moutain.3.There are beautiful flowers and many trees on the moutain,as well as lot.九年级英语书面表达(写英文规定),明天要交,大家帮帮忙随着风景区的开发开放,有越来越多的游客(包括外国人)前来大别山国家森林公园观光旅游,请在游客登山的路途上,为游客写几条英文规定,以保护环境.1.不要在林中生火(start fires)以保护林木.2.不要乱扔垃圾,废纸、袋、瓶等随身带走.3.请保持河流洁净,它是村民的饮水之源.4.请勿伤害动物,鸟类和昆虫.请勿挖掘和采摘花草.要求:1.必须包含 英语作文 李雷班上的同学们准备后天去森林岛爬山.今天下午,他去李莉家通知李莉参加活动,但她不在 Lily,I went to your home,but you weren't in.We're going to Forest Island to climb the mountain.we'll meet at the school gate at 7:oo.We‘ll go there by bike.Please take food and drink with yo.英语作文,假如你是李华,你们班同学打算去西山公园爬山,请写一封信邀请外教Mr Smith参加,爬山中有:赏花照相野餐, Dear Mr.Smith:Hello。Our classmates would like to invite you to climb the Western Hills.Time is Sunday at 8 am,location is the school playground.We expect you to go,because we have prepared flowers,picnic and other activities.If you have time,we very much hope you can go.Li HuaSeptember 26,2010翻译亲爱的史密斯先生:我们班的同学想邀请你一起去西山爬山.时间是周日上午8点,地点是学校操场.我们非常期待你能去,因为我们还准备了赏花,野餐等活动.如果你有空,我们十分希望你能去.李华2010年 9月26日

