大学期间做交换生出国的利与弊? 希望各位分别告知985,211大学和非985,211大学出国交换的利弊 你好,作为国内的交换生,分两种,一种是短期,一种是长期, 短期是半年期,一般意义不大,出国旅游的概率更。
申请做中美交换生的接待家庭要做些什么? 国际中学生交换项目起始于第二次世界大战之后,主要目的是加强全球不同国家之间的交流,增进国家间的了解、文化沟通和学术交流,促进各国之间的友好往来。截至目前,每年世界各地有60多个国家和地区的学生参加交换项目,相互交换学生。自美国开设国际学生交流项目以来,美国联邦政府一直为高中交换生项目提供政府性资助。随着赴美留学签证政策的放松,继TOEFL、SAT/SAT进入中国并引起广泛关注后,中美高中交换生项目日益受到希望留学美国的学生及家长的关注。美国因其世界一流的教育质量和灵活创新的教育体制,在留学市场中的主导地位得以进一步巩固,越来越多的中国学生选择赴美留学深造以接受世界顶尖教育。这种形势下,高中交换生项目则成为拟赴美留学的学生提高语言,提前适应美国的生活及学习环境的良好途径,使学生具有申请美国名校的绝对优势。同时,对于希望在中国继续大学学习的学生而言,学生可以通过高中交换生项目拓宽眼界及知识面,培养自己的发散性思维和创造力,掌握西方先进灵活的学习方法,提高英语水平并练就地道的美语口语,这些能够使学生进入大学后较其他同学更具优势更多面性,个性突出,在竞争中处于不败之地,并且也会为学生大学毕业后赴美。
假如你是李华,上周五来自美国 We had some American exchange students in our school last Friday.As a host I’d like to share some happy experience with you.Upon their arrival we gave a warm welcome to the American students among whom a boy named Tim was to stay with my family for the weekend.While they were introducing themselves I already recognized him by comparing him with the photo he had sent to me.When school was over we took the subway home where my parents had already prepared a rich family dinner for Tim.We enjoyed ourselves a lot eating and chatting about whatever subjects that interested us.The next day I acted as guide showing Tim around the most famous scenic spots in Beijing such as the Great Wall and the Bird’s Nest.Wherever he went he had some photos taken to help him memorize this unforgettable trip to China.When finally the time came for us to say goodbye I gave Tim a kite as a souvenir.I think this activity has benefited me a lot.It was a perfect chance for me both to practice my oral 。