5路公交车每隔10分钟发车一次,每天早上6:30发第一辆车,从6:30到8;30一共发几次车?要求列算式解答 十三次从6:30到8;30共120分钟,因此从第一辆车发出后,还有120/10=12(辆),总共为12+1=13(辆)
游顾村公园记 作文 早听姑姑说顾村公园是上海市最大的公园,我一直都很向往,上星期六,奶奶和姑姑带我一起出来玩,我终于有机会亲眼看一看上海市最大的公园了。我们先去赏荷花,走了一会儿,终于到了荷花池边,荷叶挨挨挤挤像.
英语翻译 We warmly welcome you to come to China and sincerely hope you visit our company.We hope we can establish long-term and favorable commercial relationship each other after conversation.Please tell us your contact in China in advance and your concrete arrival time to Shanghai.We will pick you up.