你的目标价格我已收到,经过我们磋商,这个价格我们可以接受,但是这个价格不含税、不含运费,款到发货,若没有疑义,请将你们的订单下过来,以便我们及时安排生产发货 we have received your target price.we can accept this price after our negotiation.but taxes and freight is not included in this price.and the goods will be delivered upon receipt of your payment.if th.
你的目标价格比我们的低了一半还要多怎么翻译成英语 The reason why the price of this product is a little higher than its previous one is that it takes one 。
委婉一点英语翻译:你报的价格看来是比较高的,客户的目标价格是11美元,请确认这个价格是否可以订购? your offer looks higher,goal price of our client ir USD11.can you give and confirm this price to us for ordering?