我们打算下周末去电影院英文 英语翻译


我们打算下周末去电影院的英文版 我们打算下周末去电影院We intend to go to the cinema next weekend我们打算下周末去电影院We intend to go to the cinema next weekend英语作文 要求:假如你下个周末打算去看电影,说说电影院在哪?打算可谁一起去?怎样去?心情怎样? Next week英语翻译 1.Miss White and Sarah plan to go to the cinema tonight.2.We are going to visit my grandmother and grandfather next week.3.what do you plan to do tomorrow moning?4.It is going to rain tomorrow5.I wil.英语的来啊。翻译啊。最简单的行了,六年级 1My elder brother is going shopping this evening.2Chen Jie is going to climb the mountains tomorrow afternoon.3What are you going to do next Saturday?I'm going to take a trip.4Where are you going this evening?I'm going to the cinema.

