英语翻译 1.To conduct as an example,usually the older generation of children that young rebel impulse.2.For young children,their parents usually do not like stubborn,conservative and resistant to new things.3.Because of their family in our lives plays an important role,each member should be for the construction of a harmonious family to contribute.4.In fact,the only problem may be lack of communication between two generations.5.Between two generations of people as long as equal treatment of each other,conflict will be reduced,will be harmonious.这是我在翻译网里找的.不1定对哦~英语翻译 Lost Generation(Lost Generation),also known as:Lost generation.West,a kind of modernist literature.That emerged after World War I,a literary genre in the United States.The early 20s,living in Paris,the American writer Georgia?Stein said of Hemingway:\"You are the lost generation.\"Hemingway this phrase as his first novel\"The Sun Also Rises,\"the inscription,\"Lost generation\"has since become of these programs and organizations,but does not contain the same writer,the title of creative tendencies.英语翻译 The Ningbo Beilun Pheonix mountains theme park is the new generation high tech large-scale internationalization theme park,located at the Eastern big port-Ningbo Beilun central area.A paradise issue invests nearly hundred million US dollars,the area 260,000 square meters,by American Apex Amusement Design Company J the RA design,uses in the present world the newest design idea,plans“the world square”,“the evil spirit imaginary village”,“the phoenix castle”,“the exploration journey”four subject campuses,builds“happily,fashionable,pleasantly surprised,the stimulation”the amusement atmosphere,becomes the East China first-class happy kingdom,the taking vacation Holy Land.英语翻译 在一长串的世代(更迭)中没有算数的必然性。“一代人”是一个粗略而非确切的单位:(这种说法)几乎是一个隐喻。在特定的世代更迭中,世代的概念同样也被用于解释在公共领域的长期的本质性变化。很少有人彻底地转变他们关于时间的看法。但随着时间推移,持有(某一特定)观念的一代人被拥有对当下事物有着新视角和观点的新一代人所取代。新闻工作者Samuel Lubell将其归因于长期-(是不是没有打完,这句好像不完整)之后的世代将(时代)的潮流转向共和党。其中一个国际上的例子是:对于在美国和西欧的成年于那些福利项目(启动)之后的几代人,(他们)对于社会福利政策最强烈的支持已经在他们成长的社会里(广泛)存在。人工翻的,最后一句翻成中文比较麻烦点。
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