某车次列车,从起点站到终点站共停5站(包括起点和终点站).铁路局为这几个站共需准备几种不同的票价? 离山东潍坊最近的机场是哪个市


 英语作文  你有一个外国朋友要来中国,请你介绍中国几处景点并说明理由 Dear friend,I am very happy that you are visiting China.Here I am going to introduce some places of interest to help you visit.First,you should go to BeiJing and go for a look at The BIrd Nest.It is the first national gym.It is on behalf of our Olymipic sport inspirts and Chinsese cultures.Secondly,you should go to visit the Great Wall.It is a historical place,thousands years ago,it help Chinses people to be far away from war and other countries' invasions.Now it bocomes very popular,it is visited not only by foreign friends,but also by our local people.It has very important educational meanings.Last,you should go to HangZhou and see the famous sight-XIHu.It is a very popular place to visti,there happened a beautiful and moving love story between man and a white snake who became human later.This place is famous for this forgetable love story.Many people come to there and want to have a eternal and happy life with their lovers like the two characters.If you come,you can't miss this 。

各大机场的英文简写代码是什么? 太多了.全世界至少10000个机场有IATA机场代码,以下光列国内的.国内机场代码AAT(ZWAT)阿勒泰市阿勒泰机场 AKA(ZLAK)安康市五里铺机场 AKU(ZWAK)阿克苏市温宿机场 AQG(ZSAQ)安庆市大龙山机场 AYN(ZNNN)安阳市安阳机场 BAV(ZBOW)包头市海兰泡机场 BHY(ZGBH)北海市福城机场 BPX(ZUBD)昌都市 昌都马草机场 BSD(ZPBS)保山市保山机场 CAN(ZGGG)广州市白云国际机场 CGD(ZGCD)常德市桃花机场 CGO(ZHCC)郑州市新郑国际机场 CGQ(ZYCC)长春市大房身机场 CHG(ZYCY)朝阳市朝阳机场 CHW(ZNNN)酒泉市酒泉机场 CIF(ZBCF)赤峰市土城子机场 CIH(ZBCZ)长治市王村机场 CKG(ZUCK)重庆市江北机场 CNI(ZNNN)长海市 大长山岛机场 CSX(ZGHA)长沙市黄花国际机场 CTU(ZUUU)成都市双流国际机场 CZX(ZSCG)常州市奔牛机场 DAT(ZBDT)大同市怀仁机场 DAX(ZUDX)达州河市霸机场 DDG(ZYDD)丹东市浪头机场 DGM 东莞市无机场(注)DIG(ZPDQ)香格里拉迪庆机场 DLC(ZYTL)大连市周水子机场 DLU(ZPDL)大理市大理机场 DNH(ZLDH)敦煌市敦煌机场 DOY(ZNNN)东营市东营机场 DYG(ZGDY)张家界市荷花机场 ENH(ZHES)恩施市许家坪机场 ENY(ZLYA)延安市二十里铺机场 FIG(ZSFY)阜阳市西关机场 FOC(ZSFZ)福州市长乐国际机场 FYN(ZWFY。

山东省各市经纬度是多少啊? Sheet1卫星名称:亚太1号卫星经度:138地名 经度 纬度 卫星经度 方位 俯仰 极化济南 117 36.65 138 147.26 42.05 25.72历城 117.07 36.69 138 147.38 42.05 25.61长清 116.73 36.55 138 146.83 42.02 26.07章丘 117.53 36.72 138 148.02 42.24 25.12青岛 120.33 36.07 138 151.58 44.13 22.62崂山 120.42 36.15 138 151.76 44.09 22.46胶南 119.97 35.88 138 150.95 44.16 23.17即墨 120.45 36.38 138 151.93 43.88 22.26胶县 120 36.28 138 151.23 43.79 22.83淄博 118.05 36.78 138 148.77 42.43 24.53枣庄 117.57 34.86 138 146.91 44.01 26.62滕县 117.17 35.09 138 146.50 43.60 26.85东营 118.49 37.46 138 149.78 41.98 23.55垦利 118.54 37.59 138 149.92 41.87 23.40利津 118.25 37.49 138 149.46 41.84 23.78德州 116.29 37.45 138 146.78 40.96 25.78宁津 116.8 37.64 138 147.58 41.03 25.12乐陵 117.22 37.74 138 148.20 41.13 24.63商河 117.15 37.31 138 147.86 41.51 25.03济阳 117.2 36.97 138 147.72 41.85 25.26禹城 116.66 36.95 138 146.98 41.61 25.82夏津 116 36.95 138 146.09 41.29 26.47陵县 116.58 37.34 138 147.11 41。

