主回路电阻 英文 求回路电阻测试仪的具体参数


开关回路电阻测试仪怎么翻译? high voltage switch characteristic tester 它以单片机为核心进行采样,处理和输出,其主要特点是采用汉字提示以人机对话的方式操作,汉字显示结果并打印输出,具有智能化、功能多、数据准确、抗干扰性强、操作简单、体积小、重量轻、外观美等优点,适用于各种户内、户外少油、多油开关、真空开关、六氟化硫开关的动特性测试。

英语翻译 这是我帮你翻译的:Will try already the contact resistance value big breakover files which obtains with the joint wire and the power source connects a return route,exerts Im=100A in this return route the electric current,surveys this return route various contacts temperature and the ambient temperature,the vacuum tube leads the telephone pole moving contact(bare copper)the temperature rise value to be smaller than 35K,decides the contact and leads the telephone pole(superficial silver-plating)the temperature rise value to be smaller than in the 65K.experiment entire tries according to the actual service condition installment,the thermo-element embedment to approach the contact contact point surface position to carry on the survey as far as possible,the ambient temperature not slightly carries on the survey underneath the measuring point with 25mm place,when contact and environmental media temperature change in continuouslywhen 2 hours each hour does not surpass 1℃,then thought that the。

接地刀闸的主回路电阻是多少 回路电阻测试仪使用了高精度、高稳定度的直流恒流源,可提供100A或200A的固定直流电流输出,克服了传统回路电阻测量仪需调节电流输出的缺点;本产品使用了精密仪用运算放大。

#主回路电阻#主回路电阻 英文#主回路电阻测试

