写作练习。假如你来到了北京,你想怎样度过你的假期,用英文把你的想法写出来 the Forbidden CityWangfujing StreetBadaling Great WallBeijing ZooThese lines are 。
英语翻译 1、The only way that I come up with is that the bookshelf should be made room for books.2/He held out his car key to me and said I could use his car.3 My idea is that we should wait for the rescue on the spot.4 What are you looking at?What is going on there?5Many foreigners have an interest in Chinese cultural and some have been China to learn Chinese.
用英文写一篇短文,主要写交通工具的发展,以及你自己的看法, Ancient people travel by foot;our ancestors by horse.Centuries ago we have ships and locomotives;we now have faster transportation vehicles like cars and airplans.It won't keep us long that one day.