动物保护组织在森林里立起告示牌,用蝉的口气以及丰富人情味的,规劝每一位捕蝉的人停止捕蝉,请你代动物保护组织写一则告示牌,不超过25个字. 森林动物保护组织英文翻译


英语翻译 In order not to let animals leave us,wo should take steps to protect animals.We could set up clubs for protcting animals,and inspect in field to know the condition,help wild animals bulid their home,discourage people to hunt wild animals,urge people to join us and protct wild animals with real actions.都是自己翻译的,又不太准确的地方包涵一下吧.

动物保护组织在森林里立起告示牌,用蝉的口气以及丰富人情味的,规劝每一位捕蝉的人停止捕蝉,请你代动物 带给人类动听的音乐是我们的心愿,请爱护我们吧

保护野生动物是很重要的 英文 1、It is very important to protect wild animals.orIt is of great importance to protect wild animals.2、This is the deepest lake in the world.3、We should not cut down trees in forests.4、Mother is cooking breakfast for us.5、How did the story start?祝你开心如意!

