武术用英语怎么说 武术社正在招人用英语怎么说


假定你是李华,你所在的校武术社正在招收新队员.请给你的留学生朋友写一封电子邮件邀请他加入 答案及解析:知识点:书面表达Dear Eric,Leamning that you are addicted to martial arts,I am writing to sincerely invite you to join the martial arts club in our 。

英语作文 校篮球队要招收队员,请你根据下列提示写一份招聘启事. Recruit player of the school basketball team.Hope that students like play basketball to actively apply,win honors for schools.And play basketball can make you healthy.if you want apply,please contact Zhang Hui,his phone number is 2810015.写了不少 加分吧

招新(学生社团)英语怎么说,最好用一个词表达 招新,用一个词表达就是recruit。2113recruit 英[r??kru:t]美[r??krut]n.新兵5261;(机构中的)新成员;新学生;vt.招聘,征募;吸收4102某人为新成员;动员…1653(提供帮助);雇用;vi.征募新兵;得到补充,得到补偿;恢复健康;[例句]The police are trying to recruit black and Asian officers警方正在试图招募更多黑人和亚裔警官。I told you,and besides that I'm not a recruit.我跟你说了,再说了我又不是一个新兵。We need to recruit and train police officers.我们必须招收和培训更多的警察。I attended seminars by companies trying to recruit teachers.我参加了想招聘老师的公司的讨论会。In particular,they have identified the need to recruit competent professionals.他们尤其认识到了招募有能力的专业人才的必要性。Identify staff vacancies and recruit,interview and select applicants.确定工作人员的空缺和招聘,面试,并选取申请人。


