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九年级英语全一册The ’black tulip'的课文 Nature is filled with amazing plants.Some can survive in the middle of the desert.Some can grow up to 80 metres tall.Yet,imaginary things can sometimes crate excitement easily than real ones.In Holland,for example,there is an imaginary flower that is known as widely as any real flower.It is called the 'black tulip'In the novel The Black Tulip written by Alexandre Dumas in 1850,a young man called Cornelius tries as hard as he can to create a black tulip,in order to win a gardening competition.But just before he succeeds,he is put in prison unfairly.He feels sad and is ready to forget about the flower.However,in prison he meets Rosa,the beautiful daughter of the prison guard.They soon fall in love and together they try to cultivate the black tulip.Of all the gardeners,Cornelius and Rose grow their flower the most quickly and they win the competition.仲裁和起诉是什么关系?是不是二选一,或者是先仲裁在起诉还是直接起诉 仲裁和诉讼的区别一、如选择了仲裁,就不能到法院进行诉讼,即你自己已放弃了诉讼的权利,所以认为仲裁和诉讼可并存是错误的。(劳动纠纷除外,劳copy动纠纷必须先仲裁)二、机构百不同,仲裁委是由人民政府组织有关部门(法制局)和商会统一组建,其监督机构是中国仲裁协会,其仲裁员大多是律师和政府机构人员兼职从事;法院的机构是国家法律的审判机构。简单地说,仲裁就是双方当事人在订立合同就约定以后出现纠度纷时叫某仲裁机构做“娘舅”,一旦裁定对双方都有法律效力。三、程序不同,仲裁是一裁终局的,申请撤销时法院不会从实体处理中审查,如程序中有明显错误问时可以撤销。诉讼如对一审不服还可以上诉,二审不服可在二年内申请再审,法院有相关的法定监督机构和救济程序。四、收费不同,仲裁费没有规定可以减交、缓交、免交,法院有规定。仲裁费比诉讼费答高,如二万元的纠纷,仲裁费是 1350元,诉讼费是 800元。求KARA好听的歌,像二选一或者Mr的都行 韩语:Lupin;Wanna;Jumpin;STEP;Honey;lonely;2me;Pandora;Runaway日语:GO GO SUMMER;JET COASTER LOVE;Bye Bye Happy Days;SOS;今赠りたいありがとう;Girls Power;Thank You Summer Love;Winter MagicSOLO曲:WANNA DO(姜智英);guilty(韩胜妍);白昼梦(朴奎利);Lost(郑妮可);Secret Love(具荷拉)演唱会表演:学园天国(姜智英);Super Girl;Beat it(郑妮可);strong Enough(韩胜妍)OST及其他:Merry Love;鲸鱼

