在全中国人的努力下的英文 在中国政府及中国人民的共同努力下用英语怎么说


为何中国人如此努力依然学不好英语? 环境确实是主要的影响因素,但是这也不能排除一些人的英语学得很好,而且口语也不错,这也说明英语学习是有一定的方法的,只要方法适合自己,然后再加上后天自己的努力,相信英语也可以克服的,最后也可以讲一口流利的英语,(原来的我 只是英语语法懂,然后听力不是多好,经过长期的坚持练习,听力听懂了新闻的大致意思,虽然毕业了,但是我依然会坚持去学英语。

英语翻译 Many people are working hard life,the opportunity has always been lucky。Can not be said that the Chinese people sleep,how a Chinese national has never won a Nobel Prize scholars?Chinese in the United States than in the Chinese mainland on its terms,is quite different.However,few people this is absolutely wrong on several Nobel Prize winners。Nearly half a century since the efforts of the Chinese people can not say no,but no one can be on the podium the Nobel Prize.It can only say that they lack the opportunity.Desperate efforts could not find the opportunity to do all their lives are white Opportunity is the key to the success of years of effort,you may offset the opportunity to occasionally encountered.As Bill.The success of Gates.

我以是一名中国人而自豪 英语怎么说? 努力铸就成功 英语怎么说? 人生幸福靠自己去创造 英语怎么说? I I am proud of being Chinese 网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 医疗 科学 汉语 英文 问问 学术 更多? 我要提问 问题分类 特色 。? 2021SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号


