大学生如何安排课余生活英语作文 大学的课外生活作文


我的课余生活作文500字 我的课余生活从小,我就听过这样一句话:“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。我以为翻开书,就会有黄金掉下来,会有玉落下来。所以我缠着妈妈给我买书。直到我翻开第一本书时,才发现自己很傻,因为根本就没有我所想要的东西。但是我却独自一人“啃”起了这本书,许久,我才发现我爱上了书,喜欢闻这淡淡的油墨味。也许从这开始,书成了我课余生活不可缺少的一部分。钟,嗒嗒的响着,随着半夜的风轻轻拂过,我窝在被窝里翻阅着美国著名作家海明威的作品:《老人与海》。一个简单的故事,一个平凡的老人,一条普通的大马林鱼,在茫茫大海上发生了看似平凡而又不平凡的经历。在这一个悲剧性的故事中(钟),却折射出一个“英雄人物“—老人圣地亚哥。当老人拖着自己的战利品与鲨鱼作战时,我的心不禁被所震撼。人一定不能给打败!这简洁的话语,使我似乎听到老人与海浪搏击的声音…看到这儿,我停了下来,看着那书桌上堆积如山的作业本,那道道关卡还在等我破解。可是我却放弃了,我向它们投降了,被它们打败了。不!不应该这样!人一定不能给打败!此时的我又恢复了以往的我,如此生机向上。我离开了被窝,坐在了桌前。一点点黄晕的光照亮了所有的题目,也照亮了我。“我的大学课余生活”英语作文怎么写? 当我写这一篇文章时,我已经是×大学的一名学生了,在即将入学之际,我站在大学的开头,展望一下大学四年的学习和生活,希望我的大学能够如预期一般充实而有意义。大一:打。大学生如何安排课余生活英语作文 How to spend the spare time as a college studentGenerally speaking,spare time,especially two-day weekends,are not only a time for us college students to relax,but also a time to improve ourselves.To test from a week’s hard work,we have plenty of recreation opportunities.We can read to our hearts’content,can go sightseeing,and can play games with our friends.Some students find parttime jobs at weekends so that they can ease their families’financial burdens.However,some students are just wasting their time.Some spend their time playing cards,and even drinking and eating with their friends.Some spend the whole weekend going traveling and feel tired when they return to school,so that their studies will be greatly affected.As a student,I think the first thing I should do is to go over the lessons.Spending two or three hours in going over lessons every weekend will give me great returns.After finishing my schoolwork,I can do many other things,for example,mountain climbing,。帮忙写篇英语作文 我的大学课余生活 Spending spare time is the critical part during daily life,even though you are an extremely important person with bussiness moment everyday.Spare time or less take a certain part of your whole stage,knowing how to spend it is really an art.Indeed,knowing how to spend time on work or study leads to the success,but knowing how to spend spare time after work and study makes you a complete person with special charming characteristics and kind temper,also it can beautify your dreary life.Up to now,I have been struggling on the edge of finding a favirate way to spend my spare time,but without any harvest.When I am in the relax days,I donot know what should I do,what can bring me with happiness and relaxation.Every time after such days,I feel even tired and grieved.The common way I spend such days is watching movie,playing PC games.All such things are not waht I really want to do,but I donot get another meaningful thing other than these.This is a tragedy,a tragedy of wasting 。我的大学课余生活作文 我的课余生活多资2113多彩,像小鱼在水里自5261由自在此地游泳。课余生活,我最喜4102欢弹电子琴了,“六一”儿童1653节那天,妈妈带我去买了个电子琴,我真开心啊!回到家,我迫不及待打开箱子,啊!这部电子琴真多功能啊。我开始弹得时候很慢很慢,我开始想放弃了,妈妈走过来对我说:“只要有恒心,每一件事也能做好的。我听妈妈话,我想一定要有恒心,才能把电子琴练好。从那天起我就一直练电子琴,老天不负有心人。我从很慢很慢练得很快很快了,我真开心我学会了。我的课余生活真丰富。大学如何丰富自己的课余生活,大学是很多莘莘学子向往的地方,经过高中努力的拼搏,进入向往的大学感觉很美好。但是大学生活跟高中生活很不一样,除了课堂学习,平时有很多。【篇一:我的课余生活作文500字】我的课余生活丰富多彩,而我最喜欢的是骑自行车。我7岁的时候,就开始练习骑自行车了。每到外婆家,爸爸都教我怎样骑自行车,我一次次摔倒。


