英语翻译 Time will tell(时间可以证明一切)I am already get used to it.“原来时间真的可以改变一切”用英文怎么说啊? Had time to really change everything Had time to really change everything Now i know time can really change everything.Originally time really can change 。时间会改变一切也会沉淀最真的感情。翻译成英文 Time will change everything will precipitate the most real sentiment。时间会改变一切也,会沉淀最真的感情。Time will change everything,also will precipitate the most real sentiment。英语翻译 Today,technology development,and changed the way we live and work and study,also changed the way people communicate.Communication between people there are many,we can meet new friends through work and study,we can also through computers,mobile phones,and any others.Very popular now to meet new people through the network,Positive aspects,computer or mobile phone to help us easily communicate with others,easier to convey what we mean,So we went to the other side to reduce the cost of the computer have a lot to learn the information,we can learn,you can watch movies,On the negative side,cell phones and computers above all provide a lot of games,and some children obsessed with the game,so learning disadvantage,the game is a waste of time,mobile phones and computers with lots of interesting movies,magazines,shopping sites,thus reducing the chance of people to meet,is not conducive to people's feelings,In short,technology is changing the way we live,the positive effect on the lives 。英语翻译 随着时间的流逝,As time pass by一切都改变了,everything change让我觉得很陌生.I feel so strange.你已不再是昔日的那个你了,You are not who you were.而我还是当初的我.And I 'm who I was.原来,I find 多么根深.
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