人力资源培训方向参考文献英文 各位高手,谁有人力资源管理方面英文文献及对应的中文翻译?


请问哪里可以找到培训方面的英文参考文献啊?(毕业论文急用) go to the website:www.wenshu.com各位高手,谁有人力资源管理方面英文文献及对应的中文翻译? Human Resources ManagementThe Human Resources Management(HRM)function includes a variety of activities,and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs,recruiting and training the best employees,ensuring they are high performers,dealing with performance issues,and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations.Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation,employee records and personnel policies.Usually small businesses(for-profit or nonprofit)have to carry out these activities themselves because they can't yet afford part-or full-time help.However,they should always ensure that employees have-and are aware of-personnel policies which conform to current regulations.These policies are often in the form of employee manuals,which all employees have.Note that some people distinguish a difference between between HRM(a 。人力资源员工培训 参考文献些什么啊 http://www.taobao.com 广告 周围人还关注 广告 猜你关注 6 提问 侵权投诉 微博 您已经连续回答 196 天了 第 9 天 生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人才能。


