林夕填词的全部歌曲有哪些? 美少女的谎言pan


谁能推荐一些好看的日本动漫,要2010-2015年间的 fate zero绯弹的2113亚里亚大图书馆的牧羊人5261魔鬼恋人兄弟战争Charlotte夏洛4102特终结的炽天使魔力家族黑执事妖狐x仆1653ss濒危物种少女空战魔导士候补生的教官学园孤岛电波教师我女友和青梅竹马的惨烈修罗场新妹魔王的契约者铳皇无尽的法夫纳其实我是.灵感少女日常系的异能战斗约会大作战未闻花名四月是你的谎言黑子的篮球境界的彼方幻界战线噬血狂袭学生会的一己之见青春之旅狼少女与黑王子刀剑神域魔笛magi暗杀教室东京食尸鬼魔力家族邻座的怪学生星座彼氏歌之王子殿下妄想学生会

美少女的谎言第六季02片尾插曲是什么?谢谢 片尾曲:Give Us a Little Love“Songs of Innocence”歌曲:I Go On by歌手:The Woodbine Sessions场景:Emily走进房间,在镜子前试穿她爸爸的军装。Emily takes out her dad's army fatigue jackand tries it on in front of the mirror then goes to his gun safe and opens it.时间:10分50秒左右歌曲:Used to It歌手:The Young Wild场景:Ezra走进咖啡厅看见Aria。Ezra joins Aria at The Brew,she thanks himfor rescuing her then he asks if she's going okay and suggest she uses hertalents as a writer as a outlet to cope with her recent ordeal.时间:14分20秒左右歌曲:Take Shelter歌手:Delta Spirit场景:咖啡厅里,Alison向Lorenzo解释她是在担心人们会怀疑她出现在教堂的原因。At The Brew,Lorenzo eats as he reads whenAlison comes over and explain to him that she's worried why people might thinkshe's attending church.歌曲:Returning Fire With Fire歌手:Mindy Smith场景:Emily坐在窗前,起身穿上她爸爸的军装,然后走出房子,发现Sara藏在灌木丛中等待她。Emily sits at her window seat restless thenputs 。

请问有没有美少女的谎言百度云呀 老铁,资源:2113 哎,失效5261的话:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gfd6IDt有帮助动动小手4102点个赞1653啦,谢了

