你在未来想要做什么样的工作 如何确定自己未来应该从事什么工作?


找一篇关于未来想做什么职业的作文 我的未来 很多人或许都经历过,在小小的年纪便被别人问起长大后要做什么.“科学家”,“医生”,“警察”·这些职业应都被当时童真的我们说起过.当时我们说这些,很多时候自然并未经过认真的思考,而往往只是出.

未来你想从事什么样的职业和岗位? 汽车行业的很多职业和岗位都是很不错的。个人觉得汽车港行业的岗位比较有发展前途,现在车子越来越多,与之相关的岗位也越来越多,所以说我们可以从事这个方面的发展。

英语翻译 My ideal job is to be a writer or an author.Why,you may ask.Because it is a ideal job that fulfils all jobs.I have always,like a child does,wanted to be a singer,model,or whatever fantasies a child could ever dream of,those dreams could come true in my novel.My characters can inherit such 'talents' or jobs in my novel,I can create my own world within a book.I can tell a story that brings tears to the readers eyes;joy and laughter to the heart.A writer is a hard job,I am well aware of that.But it is a job I am willing to work for,to achieve.I am not ambitious in saying that I can write a novel easily,though i may not be talented like all those people that had bestsellers,I will still try.Nothing is impossible till I give up.


