用英语简单介绍浙江金华 1.The basic profiles ofWater Southland pass Samchully,pressure Jiangcheng fourteen state\",a famous female poet Li Qingzhao's poem vividly summed up the essential Jinhua magnificent location and momentum.Jinhua City in Zhejiang Province is located in the central part,to provincial-level municipalities,community in the east longitude 119゜14 '-120゜46'30\"north latitude and 28゜41゜32'-29',north-south span of 129 kilometers,east-west span of 151 kilometers land area of 10,918 square kilometers,2008 population of 4,614,100 people at the end,one of the urban area 923,800 people.for the sub-tropical monsoon climate with four distinct seasons.Jinhua formed a long,ancient country in the case of Vietnam,Qin Hueiji County into three吴宝鼎year(266 years)before they were置郡Dongyang,Jinhua calendar name,Wucheng state,or set up county,state,road,office,or set up Road,zone,area and region,in May 1985,the State Council's approval to withdraw Jinhua area,located in Jinhua,Quzhou city,。
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