我是一个文科生周记 我是一个文科生演讲稿


我是一个优秀的文科生英语作文 We students are the builders and masters of the country.It is important for us to know how to be a good student.A good student,I think,should be diligent in his studies.The he studies,the he will increase his knowledge.Without enough knowledge,we cannot make great contributions to the modernization of our country.To take care of one's own body is another important thing for good student to do.Anyone,who hasn't got a strong body,can do nothing for his country,even if he has much knowledge.There was a man,who,when he was student,studied hard but neglected his health.

我是一个高二文科生。 加油吧这种事想简单点的话是没什么特别的方法的 真正有那种很强烈的欲望学好的人肯定会很自然的自制 我以前学物理就这样 之前高一完全听不懂 后来很不甘心 我也忘了我是怎么学习的了 总之炒鸡认真当时听课 态度很好 结果考试就考了九十多分 百分的满分 总之 我觉得你现在压力大的话就顺其自然吧 不然压力更大更困难 自然点 别怕困难 就这么简单

我是一个文科生演讲稿 我一直以来都对宇宙万物的产生感到不解和无奈,人为何而生,生又是为了啥子?为什么世界上会有一个自己,脱开身体的外壳,我自身又是啥子安?有了主观能动性,所以能认识和。

