英语书面表达:当今世界上环境污染问题变得越来越严重,你见过哪些污染环境的现象?为了保护我们的地球。 Make Our World CleanPollution is a big problem.Cars pollute air.Factories pollute water.Rubbish/Garbage is here and there.It's bad for us to live.We should do some things to stop people from polluting.We should think of many waysto make our world clean.We mustn't throw away garbage.We should pick up garbage and clean up the floorevery day.We should suggest the factories not to pour dirty water into water.(答案2113不5261唯4102一1653)
(随着经济的发展,我们的环境的污染越来越严重)的英文翻译 With the development of economy,the pollution of our enviroment become and seriours.
现在城市污染越来越严重,英语翻译,求帮忙 Nowadays city pollution becomes more and more serious.