英语翻译 Microblog,as a new channel and carrier for information dissenmination,has become a significant social media.With the involvement of numerous netizens,microblog is now another important internet platform of public opinions in China.Governments and officials are making quick responses and join it to keep up with the time.The springing up and development of government microblog has broadened the working mind of our Party and governments,established a new way of collecting public opinions and knowing about people's life,and played an active role in guiding the public opinion with authorities,which has become a unique scenery in the microblog world.However,in 2011,the born year of governments' microblog,there are still some challenges and problems,such as the authentification of governmental microblog,the standard of microblog texts,spontaneous and random operation and management,and the prevention and solution of some bad public opinions.Therefore,this paper,through analyzing the present 。传播信息的载体包括什麽 媒体为传播信息的载体,包括报纸、电视、广播、杂志、互联网等。不能问“将来还会有哪些新闻载体”,而要问“信息的载体”或“媒体”,“新闻载体”本身就是一个错误的概念。将来可能会成为信息载体的有电话、手机等。什么是信息的载体? 信息载体是指在信息传播中携带信息的媒介,即用于记录、传输、积累和保存信息的实体, 你这是自问自答?
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