你穿白色婚纱很漂亮是哪首英文歌 你为什么这么漂亮英语歌


有一手英文歌,翻译成中文叫你不知道你有多漂亮,这是什么歌 What Makes You Beautiful—One DirectionYou're insecure你感到不安2113Don't know what for不知道要做什么5261You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or当你走过门口的时候你4102华丽地转身Don't need makeup不需要化妆To cover up来掩饰你自1653己Being the way that you are is en-o-ough做你自己才是最美的Everyone else in the room can see it每个人都可以看到你的美丽Everyone else but you只有你自己看不到Baby you light up my world like nobody else宝贝没有人能像你那样把我的世界点亮The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell但是当你微笑的时候不难看出You don't know oh oh你不知道You don't know you're beautiful你不知道你如此的美丽If only you saw what I can see如果你看到我能看到的You'll understand why I want you so desperately你就会明白为什么我拼命地想要得到你Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe此时此刻当我看着你,我仍不敢相信You don't know oh oh你不知道。

你穿白色婚纱很漂亮是哪首英文歌 《beautiful in white》演唱:Shane Filan作词:Shane Filan作曲:Shane FilanNot sure if you know this,But when we first met不知你是否清楚,当你我初次相遇I got so nervous I couldn't speak,In that very moment我局促到语无伦次,在那特别一刻62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333431353361I found the one and,My life had found it's missing piece我找到我心中所属,生活也终于得以圆满So as long as I live I love you,Will have and hold you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝,我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white,And from now 'til my very last breath你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人,从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish,You look so beautiful in white Tonight婚礼这天都为我所珍惜,今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美So as long as I live I love you,Will have and hold you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝,我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white,And from now 'til my very last breath你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人,从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish,You look so 。

有一首英文歌歌词大意第一句是一个漂亮的女孩 Everybody hurts-Avril Lavigne Don't know 我不知道 Don't know if I can do this on my own 不知道,我是否可以一个人独处 Why do you have to leave me 为什么你非要离。


