英语翻译 我静静地等待着你的英文翻译


英语翻译 Maybe I am waiting,waiting for you to give me a miracle.But I'm still a little afraid,afraid that it is just a distant dream.I know,I can't ask for too much,I just want to be like that,just think abou.英语翻译 余惟等,余候汝归如初识,如汝之懵懂,余之于汝绝不罢手英语翻译 1,静静地,看你幸福.Restfully,I see that you get happiness.2,怎样才能忘记你。How can I forget you。3,手心的温度the temperature of palm4,最美好的回忆源自于你.The happiest momeries are all from you.5,有你的日子,我很幸福.I am happy in these days with you.6,我还爱着你.I still love you.7,等待是种信念.Waiting is a kind of faith.8,一辈子的朋友.a friend for life9,心里有你陪着我.You are with me in my heart.10,把我对你的爱,埋藏在心底.I bury my love toward you deeply at the bottom of my heart.静静地等待用英语怎么说 静静地等待wait in the silence,wait quietly英语翻译 1,just looking at you in the side,so quietly,I am very satisfied.2 and watch your movements,simple sense,very happy.3,in the deep of my heart,always lived a you.4 and I love can only let you alone.5 and dreamed you continue to smile,like a gentle,like fingers are your temperature,time stops to.6 and I started strings,you cannot expect to encounter,tears are the eyes hate heart debt.7 and I began to cheat,you've given up for all the memories,fall to me how to write little ripples.8 and many of the things of you,sorry I love you,always say.9 and I think I never and how you meet,but you let I met you.10 if you never leave,tears stream down,we have not only make head,miss each other pain.Last November,to remain in this one,and I left ring road,biforked to wait,the sea has stranded on love.12 and I tear in my heart,and learn to give up.13 and see it again,sloping slightly sky,imagining the future.14 and listen again,the familiar melody,how to embrace this moment.15 and I don't。英语翻译 The only thing I can do is to forget,and I wish you are happyyou are the most special in my eyes.I can't give you all what you want,and it is all not you want that I give youwaiting for the arrival of the love Quietly。You are still the only the person I am loving.I can't help myself帮我把这一段话翻译成英文,谢谢. The flower language of lavender is to wait for love,The my hand holds one stub lavender,Stare at that sadness quietly of purple,I want to wait for my happiness,Happiness that belongs to my a person,No matter how long it is,I will wait for,Have been waiting for…英语翻译 My HobbyI like music.When I was a kid,I would always sit quietly beside the radio,waiting for my favourite song,and then learnt to sing it earnest.I enjoy singing.In my mind singing is a very pl.我静静地等待着 那份属于自己的爱情 时间会改变一切 的英文翻译 so quietly,i am waiting for the love that belong to me,and i believe that,time will change everything。一个人默默地 静静的等待着你 英语怎么说? A person silently waiting for you


