暮光之城1开头的独白,完整一点 I'd never given much thought to how I would die.But dying in the place of someone I loved,seems like a good way to go.I'd never given much thought to how I would die.I'd had reason enough in the last few monthsbut even if I had,I would not have imagined it like this.Surely it was a good way to die,in the place of something else,someone I loved.Noble,even.That ought to count for something.
暮光之城 暮色舞会上的完整对白 -Do you want to go?想走吗-好-Yeah.DJ:All right,slowing it down.好了 慢一点Shall we?我们跳吧You're serious?你当真啊Why not.干嘛不See,you're dancing.看 你在跳舞吧At prom.在舞会上Edward,why did you save me?爱德华 你当初为何要救我If you just let the venom spread,干嘛不直接让毒液蔓延…I could be like you by now.这样我现在就能像你一样了You don't know what you're saying.你都不知道自己在说什么-You don't want this.-我不想要你这样-可我想要你-I want you.Always.永远I'm not gonna end your life for you.我绝不会为你而结束你生命I'm dying already.可我一直在接近死亡啊Every second,I get closer.每一秒 我都在接近死亡Older.逐渐衰老That's the way it's supposed to be.你就应该是这样子的Alice said that she saw me like you.爱丽丝说她预感到我 就像预感到你一样-I heard her.-我听到了-她的预感是会变的-Her visions change.Yeah,based on what people decide.是啊 那得看人们怎么决定的I've decided.我已下定决心So that's what you dream about.你就一直梦想这样Becoming a monster.变成一个恶魔I dream about being with you 。
暮光之城暮色中的经典台词(中英对照)(所有的)谢谢! I've never given much thought to how I would die,but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go。我从未过多考2113虑我将来会如何死去,但5261死在我爱的人怀里倒是一个不错的选择4102。1653Remember that if you have a sense of powerlessness,you will become a powerless person。The first step to change your life is to eliminate it。要记住,若心存无力感,便会成为没有能力的人,要想改变人生的第一步,就是消除这种无力感。扩展资料《暮光之城:暮色》讲述了在美国一个名叫福克斯的地方,住着一位英俊帅气的男青年爱德华。他出没神秘,与世无争,他的家人同样低调神秘,原因在于他是一只永远不会衰老,更不会死亡的吸血鬼。爱德华生于20世纪的第一年,自从1918年发育成长为十七岁的翩翩少年之后,他便再也没有衰老,永远保持着年轻俊朗的外形。时光飞梭,过了近百年后,他已经不再靠吸人血为生,因为爱德华和同是吸血鬼的家人都秉持着素食主义,只吸食动物的血。