我要写英语作文 请您写一写 你的父母是干什么的,他做什么去上班,他们的爱好是什么? 英语作文 你的父亲是做什么工作的


我要写英语作文 请您写一写 你的父母是干什么的,他做什么去上班,他们的爱好是什么? 中文:我的父母在鞋厂工作,他们早上在5点半起床,他们首先准备好早餐,然后他们就坐汽车去上班,他们工作时间是从早上8点到下午5点.他们大概6点回家并且为我们准备晚饭.晚上,妈妈洗衣服,爸爸经常为我们制作玩具.他们一整天都很忙,我非常感激我的父母.英文:My parents work in a shoe factory.they get up at five thirty.they first get breakfast ready.then they go to work by bus.they work there from eight a.m to five p.m.they come home at about six and prepare super for us.Mother washes clothes in the evening,Father often makes toys for us.they are busy all day.I am grateful for my parents.

简介父母英语作文 比如说他们是干什么工作的 用什么方式上班 在哪里 My ParentsMy mother is a teacher.She has two big eyes and a small mouth.She goes to work on foot.She likes singing,cooking and watching TV.She is very kind to me.My father is a bisnessman.He is busy.He goes to work by plane.He likes going hiking and doing sports.So he is strong.He is very strict.These are my prents.I love them.And they love me,too.

英语作文 父母与孩子在工作选择上的不同 120字 In the modern society,there are countless varied jobs,for the reason of the marketed economy.Obviously,it is good for many young person.Meanwhile,every coin has two sides,it also brings about many troubles.When a young person face with the job selection,there are different ideas between parents and the young person.Usually,the young person wants to ran a career in a big city.Young person hold that a grandeur life is best,The parents,howerer,maybe own completely opposite views.As to them,too many years hard work let them kown that\"Flatly light is true\"(平平淡淡才是真).By and large,in the choice to work on,a clear discussion is necessary between parents and the young person.

#英语作文 你的父亲是做什么工作的

