协议书上写了甲乙双方根据平等自愿的原则,达成以下培训协议,那如果我不是在自愿的情况下签的协议怎么办? 甲乙双方就上述作品达成如下协议



英语翻译 AgreementParty Representatives:EMPLOYER:Friendly negotiations after both parties agreed to the following agreement:Party A Party B to Party A as a model to retain the goods One sheet,model number:.2,B Zhang reserved One sample the goods,the model number is:.Third,Party wantonly million RMB 1000 yuan Wu Yi calculating pay Party B the goods.(Note:Next to the rented furnishings pieces denomination of rented furnishings of).4,B and the Party must ensure that there is a model for both sides to retain the supply of goods Party.V.Party A Party B's request,first hit RMB rented furnishings million to the bank account designated by Party B will then send goods Party.6,Party A Party B to Party A complete inspection of the goods canbe used after passing the account designated by Party Party hit the rented furnishings million yuan.After entry into force of the above agreement was signed,I hope both parties to abide by,or as a breach of contract,liquidated damages of RMB Ershi million。.

合同书 第4条不合理,甲方因特殊情况或不可抗力因素未能使乙方上岗,甲方退还乙方保证金,说明只有在特殊情况或不可抗力因素引起的未能使乙方上岗,方退还保证金.但是甲方非特殊原因或非不可抗力因素引起的未上岗,则不必退还保.


