保护水的演讲稿 一篇关于保护水资源的英语演讲稿


关于演讲稿(爱国、保护环境、节约用水、珍惜友谊方面的)的三分钟练说主持稿 这个谁也答不来不过你选我为最佳答案的话我就告诉你

关于保护水资源的演讲稿 急死我了,急啊 急。。.拜托了。。求。 亲爱的同学们:水是生命之源,是万事万物赖以生存的基础。长期以来,人们认为水是“取之不尽,用之不竭”的,没有意识到节约用水的重要性。事实上,全世界的淡水只占所有水资源7%,而可以饮用的淡水只有0.8%,世界80个国家正面临着水危机,发展中国家约有10亿人喝不到清洁的水,17亿人没有良好的卫生设施,每年约有2500万人死于饮用不清洁的水。我国人均水资源拥有量仅为世界平均水平的1/4,属于水资源紧缺的国家。目前全国2/3的大中城市面临缺水。在中国的北方,尤其是西北水资源奇缺,沙漠化、半沙漠化的趋势越来越明显,水危机已经严重制约了人类的可持续发展。济南市虽有泉城之誉,但也属水资源紧缺的城市之一,水资源不足始终困绕着美丽的泉城,节水保泉无时不牵动着每一个人的心。我国于2002年1月颁布新水法,明确规定“国家实行计划用水,厉行节约用水”。为积极落实新水法,建设节约型校园,提高节水、保水意识,我们向全体教职员工和广大同学发出倡议:一、充分认识节约用水的重要性和紧迫性,提高节水意识,大力宣传节约用水对国民经济建设及居民生活稳定的重要性,在全院形成“节约用水光荣,浪费用水可耻”的良好氛围。二、树立正确的用水观念、科学的用水态度。

一篇关于保护水资源的英语演讲稿 Good morning,ladies and gentlemen:This is a glass of water.Tasteless,worthless,right?Yes,nobody of us will take care of it,nobody of us will lament for pouring it.But if i say,this glass of water in front of you is the last one in the world.Would you like to alter of it with one thousand dollars,One million dollars,or all your wealth?Now,a simple thing becomes a difficult decision.In our life,we wash our teeth while keeping the water running from the tap everyday morning.In summer,we take bath at least three times a day.In winter,as hot water in bottles becoming cold,we pour it on the ground without hesitation.We take all these for granted but that all changed for a simple thing happened to me.Last summer holiday,my friend Shirley invited me to visit her grandmother who lives in a remote mountain area.In front of her house,there laid a small garden in which various flowers and grass were growing up.The air was filled with the aromatics.Her grandmother was ready to take out 。


