朋友应该互相关心和帮助的英文翻译 英语小翻译9,采纳即得20分.


“朋友之间应该互相关心,互相帮助”用英文怎么说 Between friends help each other作为朋友,我们应该互相帮助,英语翻译是:As friends,we should help each other.句子解释:friend 英[frend]美[fr?nd]n.朋友,友人;资助者;助手;近亲;v.<;诗>;与…为友;[例句]I had a long talk about this with my best friend我和我最好的朋友就此事进行了长谈。should 英[??d]美[??d][词典]应该;将会;可能;本应;[例句]I should exercise 我应该多锻炼一些。help 英[help]美[h?lp]vt.帮助;有助于,有利于;vt.治疗;避免;招待(客人);给…盛(饭、菜);n.帮助;助手;补救办法;有用;[例句]He has helped to raise a lot of money他帮着筹集了很多钱。我认为朋友之间应该互相关心。 英语翻译 I think friends should care for each other我们是好朋友我们应该互相帮助。用英语怎麽翻译 We are good friends and we should help each other.两个句子之间加上连词,会使句子更完整。“朋友之间应该互相关心,互相帮助”用英文怎么说 we should care and help each other in friends.英语翻译 What is a friend,most people think a good friend should help each other,sharing joy,some people if you can share the joys and sorrows,and they are not your real friends.I think a good friend should th.“我认为,只有能互相帮助的朋友才是真正的朋友”英语翻译 急用 In my point of view,only the friend who can help each other is the true friend.英语翻译 1.The real friends should help each other2.Everyone has his own the best friend,which is in his heart.3.When we are in trouble,the friends is always the first hand4.I think the friend is the best listener5.If a friend lie to me,I will not be contact with him anymore.6.I always believe that the power of friendship is infinite.


