英语翻译 The policy is playing and important part in promoting the development of the local ecomy.英语翻译 Science and technology is promoting economic and social development of the first productive forces.More and enterprises have fully aware of computer and network as the core in the information technology promoted the rapid development of the information industry era.Enterprise can realize e-commerce is in the increasingly fierce market competition of globalization for survival,development grants.This paper mainly e-commerce on traditional enterprise from the impact of this Angle,to the traditional enterprise implement e-commerce and the implementation method,process briefly explain,combining the characteristics and e-commerce itself,the present situation of Chinese enterprise of traditional enterprise electronic commerce transformation is analysed and production-oriented enterprises,marketing type enterprise how to implement e-commerce strategies to make a study of traditional enterprise,thus cause the attention of e-commerce.推动产业发展的翻译是:什么意思? 推动产业发展英文:promoting industrial development短语推动农业产业化发展 pushing forward agricultural industrialization英语翻译 It can not only promote the development of the city,but also can bringbetter living environment for people.首先not only.but also是个词组 表示不仅.而且其他单词的意思我想你不懂可以查字典额英语翻译 Abstract;On one hand,economic globalization promote the improvement of the world's economy and global finance.On the other hand,lead crisis spread swiftly and widely.The flare of Amarican subprime mortgage crisis and its profound affect to the world.Not only provide a lesson to each States' reform of financial supervision and the legal system,but propose a big challenge to the global financial supervision and the legal system and international financial order in current.Against the disordered condition of global finance and uncoordinated condition of global financial supervision and the legal system.Take the historical opportunity when each states seek to establish a new international financial order,Search a basic path for the reform of global financial supervision and the legal system.At the same time find a building system which in accordance with global financial supervision and the legal system of my state's interset.Make some related advices to our states' global 推动产业发展的翻译是:什么意思 推动产业发展英文:promoting industrial development短语推动农业产业化发展 pushing forward agricultural industrialization如何翻译啊 有许多的原因或因素推动了这个行业的快速发展 There are many reasons and factors which promoting the rapid development of the industry.英语翻译 由ARPA推动的网络发展为日后的因特网奠定了基础.(push forward) Network development what is pushed forward by ARPA laid the foundation for internet in future.(我个人认为用in future,楼主也可以用for future)它推动了社会的发展的翻译是:什么意思 它推动了社会的发展的翻译是:It promotes the development of society英语翻译 1.How to facilitate and promote the comprehensive development of tourism and cultural industries?From the country's basic situation,tourism and cultural work and tourism industry and cultural industries should be mutually promoting common prosperity.And from different aspects of tourism development trends according to find countermeasures.2.Tourism and Culture:1.What is it to leave the house,innovative,knowledge,seeking music as a social activity,cultural tourism is accompanied by the whole process.2.Tourism industry and cultural industries and close.3.With the combination of tourism and culture,and continuous development,resulting in a Tour of the new of the forms of cultural performances.3.How to make tourism and cultural industries should work together to develop and progress?1.To further enhance the work of promoting tourism and cultural understanding of the significance.2.To further increase the government's macro-guidance and support efforts.3.Conscientiously sum up the
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