太扪是什么意思? (形声。从手,门声。本义:执持)同本义〖hold〗扪,抚持也。《说文》莫扪朕舌。《诗·大雅·抑》。注:“扪,持也。又如:扪舌(握住舌头,使不能说话);扪虱(捉住虱子);扪月(捉月)。
求翻译古代中医医籍里的一段文字。 …《素问·离合真邪论篇》里的,“夫邪去络入于经也,舍于血脉之中, …《素2113问·离合真邪论篇》里的,“夫邪去络入于5261经也,舍4102于血脉之中,其寒温未相得,如涌1653波之起也,时来时去,故不常在。故曰方其来也,必按而止之,止而取之,无逢其冲而写之。真气者,经气也,经气太虚,故曰其来不可逢,此之谓也。故曰候邪不审,大气已过,写之则真气脱,脱则不复,邪气复至,而病益蓄,故曰其往不可追,此之谓也。True evil on the part of the plain questions:clutch,\"evil to complex into the homes inthe blood and its cold temperature did not get along well,such as surge,come and go so often.Hence the saying,according to sum up,and takes it,no time and on writing.Real gas by gas bygas taixu,hence the saying to be closed,this is called.Hou trial over evil,hence thesaying,the atmosphere has been written really took off,take off no longer,complex to evil,sickness benefits and storage,hence the saying can not recover,this is called.”