英语对好多人来说是痛啊的翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 i loved,got hurt,and broke my heart.What do i have left now?i thought we could be together as long as we truely love each other,but those two words destroyed everything.when i heard you say it,my heart hurt so much,as if it was ripped open.No one would understand how i felt,yet everyone viewed me as a person insane.You really don't understand that time can prove that i love you,but it can't prove that i can let you go(是证明你能放下她还是你放不下?这里不太懂).You really don't know how to love others.you had never said\"I love you\"to me ever since we met.希望你满意:)

英语翻译 As we all knowm,the upper-class life is also a bitter-sweet one.The glorious appearance doesn't mean life must meet what he wants.LV for them is the necessaries of life,and love is a luxury.But for u.

\ .对这个世界来说2113,你5261只是一个人;但对一个人4102来说,你却是整个世界。1653To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.


