永不言弃的论文 以永不放弃为话题作文


关于永不放弃的英语作文 这是我之前的文章。可以选择性的抄录。The story is written by Guyston Lerocs,a famous French writer.The book is called The Phantom of the Opera.It introduces a very beautiful and sad story between Airike and Christine.Airike was‘The Phantom’in Paris Opera House.He covered his face which has scars by a mask and told lies to cover himself real existence.But he fell in love with an actress named Christine.And he has started to teach her singing.But one day,Raoul appeared that he grew up with Christine form childhood.Raoul wanted to take Christine away.When Airike knew about it,he felt very angry and jealousy,he decided to punish them.Then one evening,he kidnapped Christine when she was playing an opera and took her to an underground lake by crossing a basement.Raoul risked his life to save Christine.Christine loved Raoul,but when she saw Airike’s real face,she felt sorry for him and kissed him at last.Finally,Airike realized that his dream about love is impossible.Then,he let 。

永不放弃梦想的作文 夕阳西下,明朝还会东升;这次不行的话,只不过是从头再来一次;事情不会像你想象得那么好,但也不会像你想象得那么糟。我们能做的就是不要放弃自己心中的梦想,想要放弃时,。

.坚持“初心”,永不放弃自己的梦想 议论文800 我们每个人都是蝴蝶,外面的世界是我636f70793231313335323631343130323136353331333361326365们的梦想,但只有冲破了重重蛹皮,才能看到梦想的世界。题记“春天降临飘来花香希望的翅膀,已准备去飞翔做彼此的肩膀。向着阳光,到处都开满了花,只要相信就能感觉爱的力量这一刻。我们乘着梦想一起飞翔:,我张开我的翅膀。乘风,我们飞向更远地方,一路上有你陪伴,给我力量…”听着群星的《梦想的翅膀》,我的眼里浮现出一个身影—汪建华。一个一直对梦想充满希望的,并且永不放弃的人。尽管,老天爷无情地夺去了他追逐梦想的能力,他变成了一个“渐冻人”,四肢瘫痪,行动不便,连呼吸也要依赖呼吸器来维持。可他一直坚持着他的梦想:写出一本关于自己的书。看到这里,我多少有点不可思议,这样子的一个人,何况握笔都不可能握好,又怎么能写作呢?就算有这个天赋,是不可能的事。如果要写,那得花多少时间呀!如果是我的话,应该不会坚持下去的吧!可是我错了。起初,他还可以坐在病床上,用自己那已不灵活的手指颤颤巍巍地写,由妻子打在手机上,保存下来。他就这样开始了漫长的写作生涯。时光流逝的很快,不知不觉中,他已经写了好多诗词,这靠的是他和妻子。


