

英语翻译 The world passes safely,Germany prosperous,aviation gasoline.,occurs a succession in the domestic and foreign company's bankrupcy case,attracts repeatedly people's vision to the enterprise internal c.英语翻译 Near the ending of the Eighties,and savings and credit agency bankrupted one by one in United States.The situation was very terrible.The sound institutions make the law in urgency.In August.怎么翻译 破产 破产是指债务人不能清偿到期债务时,为了所有债权人的利益,将债务人的全部财产按一定顺序和比例公平地偿还给债权人。破产法是有关宣告债务人破产,以及对债务人的财产进行清算、分配或者和解的法律规范的总称。1986年12月颁布的《中华人民共和国企业破产法(试行)》是我国破产法律制度的主要法律依据,其适用范围是全民所有制企业。非全民所有制并取得法人资格的企业破产,按《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第19章企业法人破产还债程序执行。我国破产法规定,企业因经营管理不善造成严重亏损,不能清偿到期债务的,依本法规定宣告破产。可见,在我国“不能清偿到期债务”,是法定的企业破产原因和条件。就全民所有制企业而言,还必须是其经营管理不善造成严重亏损所致。因政策性亏损或者上级主管部门错误的行政干预、价格政策变化等原因,使企业不能清偿到期债务的,一般由国家按计划在一定范围内给予补贴,不会产生破产问题。procedure of bankruptcy破产程序Standardize bankruptcy procedures规范破产Adjudication of bankruptcy or declaration of bankruptcy宣布破产A state of bankruptcy.破产破产的状况The bank is broke.银行破产了。The bank 英语翻译 In the fierce competition in the market economy,some enterprise may be due to poor management,or fro“破产”用英语怎么说 破产英文:go bankrupt;go broke;go bankruptcy;fall through bankruptcy;I'm broke,Livy,and I owe a couple of million dollars.我破产了,莉薇,而且我欠了几百万美元的债。It was touch and go whether we'd go bankrupt.我们是否会破产还很难说。关于外国企业名称翻译的规定 发布部门:国家工商行政管理局商标局发布文号:1.今年商标局对外国商标注册申请人名称的审查以外文企业名称为准,中文译名只作参考;2.你会及其他代理机构翻译的外国企业帮忙英语翻译一下下面的句子 谢谢 The company was the management change frequently,companies are facing bankruptcy protection,as the company scale layoffs,and all items and the United States of the docking cooperation of all obstacles.And people want to try making a small business,so leave the company.破产管理人如何对商标续费 按照企业破产清算单或法院判决将注册商标转移出去,然后再续展,转移大致6个月完成,续展大致2个月完成亲~帮忙翻译下吧,翻译成英语,急需!!翻得好有加分~~~ 很巧,前段时间无意中学到一个很专业的单词叫receiver,即为破产管理人,当然也可以译为bankruptcy administrator,这个你随意吧~Hope I can be of assistance.Abstract:For the purpose of preserving creditor's property,protecting creditor's interests,and facilitating smooth bankruptcy proceedings,the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of People's Republic of China introduced the international recognized receiver system.This article makes an in-depth analysis on the central role that receiver plays in the bankruptcy proceedings,elaborates the election and appointment system,rights and obligations of receiver and its supervision system that explained in both domestic and foreign laws,and then proceeds to indicate the lack of this system in our country's laws.Moreover,it is suggested that a receiver operational mechanism that suits our country should be built by designing systems,such as improving receiver qualification access system,constructing provisional receiver system,and setting up special 请教翻译 楼上的回答的不错 但没能注意到either。or。而且几个关键点没有译出 本人认为应该译为:在下列情况下,甲方具有独立的任意决定权,可以延期履行合同或不通知乙方单方面终止

